Friday, January 18, 2008


Welcome! My purpose for this Blog is to share my experiences, readings, and philosophies about Spirituality in general and the Law of Attraction in particular. I am not a professional seminar trainer/host or personal coach. I haven't written any best-sellers.

But I do know life and I know people - how we think and how we behave. I've learned the hard way and the easy way, and I've figured out that the easy way is (surprise, surprise) easier. I have no financial or power motive. I just love people, would prefer to spend my time laughing and talking with people, and think that if we could all understand just how the Laws of the Universe work, we will see exactly how joyous and free our lives can be.

I've said nothing yet, but give me a chance. Here we go and I love every minute of it.

The Old Monk

1 comment:

jimakers said...

Steve, you amaze me how fast you have worked since we discussed this at the last meeting. And it is beautiful! I hope others will be drawen to this source of energy. You start with a favorite topic of many of my seeker friends.
What a gift you are openning!

Thank you and Bless you.