Monday, August 22, 2011

The Devil You Don't Know

Good Morning, Dearest Advisors - Angels, Guides, and God. Have you anything to share with our friends through Heaven Speaks today?

Good Morning, Dearest Stephen. Yes, there is a great deal to discuss - so very much that we must choose for our limited time and your energy. Your world is changing so very rapidly that we are carefully observant to your responses to what you see. Earth entities are known to be cautious, even fearful, at changes observed. This is very understandable, for a civilization steeped in negativity and decreasing vibration creates changes that, in the past, have indeed, been worse than previously. So much so that you created a belief that "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't." That is a sorry philosophy that energetically creates the downward spiral.

But it truly is a new and different world now and you will very readily observe that an attitude of fear/anger will produce that for the individual presenting that energetic core. However, also, you will observe those focusing on Love/compassion will create that experience for themselves. Your attitude and emotions will create the world you experience, and here we are not speaking collectively. Each of you will experience what each of you will create - by your beliefs, emotions, and choices of experience.

We are very excited for the changes occurring. You have heard so many metaphors about clearing out old before new, that we will not repeat those. But we will remind you that these clichés have basis to become a cliché. Your government, your economy, your religions cannot proceed in a slowed, measured pace into the new wisdom-world/economy/governance within the time frame left to us. It is a whirlwind and a dismantling of the old to bring the new. If you fear the "new devil", that you will experience. If you anticipate a Loving, compassionate sharing, that you will experience.

We recommend you remain centered and in the moment. Quiet your mind in favor of your heart. Make decisions that bring you joy. Not an escapist, adolescent joy, but a mature knowing that the Universe and Creator are most benevolent and most Loving, wanting the very best of what you wish for yourself. Blessings to you All, today, and all days. We are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished, even when you do not recognize it.

Love, Love, Always Love,

Archangels, Q, et. al.